5th of May 2017 – Case Study Presentation: A Model For Predicting Future Demand For ICT Specialists In Romania

CKC has supported the study  “A Model For Predicting Future Demand For ICT Specialists In Romania” that makes a forecast of the number of Romanian ICT specialists that could be employed in 2020. It predicts the demand of 584,000 ICT jobs forecasted for 2020. IT is one of the major contributors in Romanian GDP and it is important to know the ICT workforce demand in the future in order to seize developments opportunities in IT. We attached the Abstract of the article below. The full article is available here: www.ecocyb.ase.ro/nr2017_1/10%20-%20Bologa%20Razvan%20(T).pdf .

Abstract: In the late 1990s, Romania became an attractive area for large and medium international information and communication technology(ICT) companies interested in establishing a base in the region. This article explains the factors that led to the creation of an astonishing number (i.e., almost 15,000) active ICT companies and presents a model for forecasting the future demand of ICT specialists in the Romanian labor market. By using this model, decision makers will be able to design educational programs according to trends in the labor market. A large set of data is also included in the article as a foundation for the analysis.

The event will take place on the 5th of May 2017, at 12:30 pm, in room Virgil Madgearu(004) Cladirea Veche, Piata Romana, Bucharest.

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