President: Conf. univ. dr. Razvan BOLOGA, responsible for projects in the area of knowledge management, enterprise technologies, digital markets, big data, digital literacy and related cloud computing.
Vicepresident: Conf. univ. dr. Catalin Emilian BOJA, responsible for projects in the area of mobile programming and related cloud computing
Vicepresident: Conf. univ. dr. Cristian Valeriu TOMA, responsible for projects in the area of security for ITC, parallel and distributed computing and related cloud computing.
Vicepresident: Conf. univ. dr. Marius Emanuel POPA, responsible for projects in the area of eHealth, information security, quality assurance and related cloud computing.
Financial manager: Mrs. Carmen DARSTARU
CKC is open to new members. CKC members are expected to be highly entrepreneurial professors in major universities willing to dedicate time and energy to projects that meet CKC’s objectives. The is no fixed annual membership fee. Members are expected to produce benefits to CKC via the projects they implement. Interested persons should contact us using the contact form for more details.
Stimati domni,
Sunt lector.dr. in cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte Economice a Universitatii Lucian Blaga din Sibiu. Sunt doctor în Științe Economice, domeniul Cibernetică și Statistică Economică, tema tezei – “Mecanisme Generative ale Proceselor Economice”, coordonator științific – prof. univ. dr. Bogdan Ghilic-Micu – (promoția 2012), Academia de Studii Economice din București.
Sunt foarte incantat de initiativa dumneavoastra si as dori sa fac parte din CyberKnowledge Club. Pentru orice detalii cu privire la activitatea mea profesionala va stau la dispozitie.
Va multumesc.
Eduard Stoica